Ancestor Research Journal

I love doing family history.

I love finding information about my ancestors - where they are from, when they were born and what their lives were like.

But, I usually only have time on the weekends or a couple of times each month to sit down and really dig in to research.

Because of this - I end up searching the same records over and over....and over again because I can't remember if I had already searched a particular census record or immigration record.

If you've done family history research, you know what I'm talking about...

Watch our short video to see how it works!

You've entered your fairly common ancestors name and get hundreds of possible matches in the results.

After looking through the 5th or 6th record, you take a short break, or maybe a break for the week and when you come back and start your search again - you can't remember which records you've already searched!

I know, I could've used a notebook or some paper - but I really don't like clutter and don't want to have to lug around a notebook whenever I'm at a research library or visiting a cemetery.

I also don't want my notebook to get lost!

So I created this website - it makes it super easy to track each ancestor and more importantly the records I'm searching!

I can easily add any type of record to any piece of vital information - like their birth information.

As I'm looking through records, I can mark a record as: - Currently Searching (So when I come back next week I remember where I left off)- Has Information (Easy to reference later if anyone needs to know who I know where they were born)- Does not have information (If a record doesn't actually have my ancestors information).

A really nice thing about this as well is that I can quickly search all the records. So if I've only searched 3 or 300, it's quick and easy to see if I've already searched a record or not for my ancestors.

I store all of this information securely in the cloud so only I have access to it.

And since it's in the cloud and on this app - it's easy to access, reference and update when I'm on the go.

The one downside of being in the cloud though, is that it costs $$.

I wish that I could offer the website 100% free for everyone, but unfortunately things just cost money.

As I thought about it though - I realized that I already pay for things like movie subscription services and online shopping.

And while those things are nice to have - they don't compare with being able to find and connect with my ancestors.

So I'm happy to offer the website at a low monthly or annual price which is way less than what I pay for those other "nice" subscriptions.

And at the end of the day, you really can't put a price on connecting with family.

But to make sure that you really like the app - I've also included a 14 day free trial.

I'm really excited to offer this website and I hope that you're able to use it to make your family search experience easy and more enjoyable.

If you have any suggestions or concerns please email me: support@ancestorresearchjournal.

I'd also love to hear how Ancestor Research Journal has changed how you do family research!

Sign up for your FREE 14-day trail today!

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When you sign up for an account with Ancestor Research Journal, you will get to try all of the features 100% for FREE for 14-days!

Our support team is just a quick email away if you ever need assistance or have any questions.

We look forward to helping you with your family research.
Copyright 2023 Ancestor Research Journal